GATE 2024: Know Important Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus and Cut Off

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a highly esteemed examination in India that evaluates candidates on their comprehensive understanding of various subjects in Engineering, Technology, Science, Architecture, and Humanities. Organized by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on behalf of the National Coordination Board (NCB), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Government of India, GATE 2024 offers numerous opportunities and challenges for aspiring candidates. Here’s a breakdown of the crucial details:

GATE 2024 Pattern Overview

Examination ModeComputer-Based Test (Online)
Duration3 Hours
SectionsGeneral Aptitude (GA) and Candidate Selected Subject
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Design of QuestionsApplication, Analysis and Synthesis, Comprehension, Recall
Number of Questions10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Total Marks100 Marks
Marking SchemeAll questions will be worth 1 or 2 marks

Subject wise Syllabus for GATE-2024

SubjectSyllabus Topics
General Aptitude (Common for all papers)Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability
Biomedical EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Electrical Circuits, Analog and Digital Electronics, Signals and Systems, Measurement and Digital Electronics, Sensors and Bioinstrumentations, Medical Imaging System, Biomaterials, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Biomechanics
Aerospace EngineeringFourier Series, Laplace Transforms, Numerical methods, Dynamic stability, Equations of motion, Decoupling of longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics, Orbit transfer, Elementary ideas of viscous flows, Measurement and visualization techniques, Theory of elasticity, Airy’s stress function
Agriculture EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Processing Engineering, Dairy and Food Engineering
Architecture & PlanningArchitecture and Design, Building Materials, Construction, and Management, Building and Structures, Environmental Planning and Design, Urban Design, Urban Planning and Housing, Planning Techniques and Management, Services, Infrastructure, and Transportation
BiotechnologyEngineering Mathematics, General Biotechnology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology
Civil EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geomatics Engineering
Chemical EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Process Calculations and Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Instrumentation and Process Control, Plant Design and Economics, Chemical Technology
Computer Science and Information TechnologyEngineering Mathematics, Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Programming and Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Operating System, Databases, Computer Networks
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Electronics and Communication EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Networks, Signals, and Systems, Electronic Devices, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Control System, Communication, Electromagnetics
Electrical EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Electrical Circuits, Electromagnetic Fields, Signals and Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Analog and Digital Electronics, Power Electronics
Environmental Science & Engineering (New)Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Water Resources and Environmental Hydraulics, Water & Wastewater Treatment and Management, Air and Noise Pollution, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Global and Regional Environmental Issues
Ecology and EvolutionEcology, Evolution, Mathematics and Quantitative Ecology, Behavioral Ecology
Geology And GeophysicsGeology, Geophysics
Instrumentation EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Control Systems, Electrical Circuits, Analog and Digital Electronics, Signals and Systems, Measurements, Sensors and Industrial Instrumentation, Communication and Optical Instrumentation
MathematicsCalculus, Linear Algebra, Rear Analysis, Complex Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Algebra, Functional Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Topology, Linear Programming
Mechanical EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Applied Mechanics and Design, Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Science, Material, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Mining EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Mine Development Surveying, Geomechanics and Ground Control, Mining Methods and Machinery, Surface Environment, Mine Ventilation, and Underground Hazards, Mine Economics, Mine Planning, System Engineering
Metallurgical EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Thermodynamics and Rate Process, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Manufacturing Process
PhysicsMathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Solid State Physics and Electronics, Nuclear and Particle Physics
Production and Industrial EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, General Engineering, Manufacturing Processes, Quality and Reliability, Industrial Engineering, Operation Research and Operational Management
Textile EngineeringEngineering Mathematics, Textile Engineering and Fibre Science
XE-A (Engineering Mathematics Syllabus)Linear Algebra, Calculus, Vector Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Complex variables, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Methods
XE-B (Fluid Mechanism Syllabus)Flow and Fluid Properties, Kinematics, Integral analysis, Differential Analysis, Inviscid flows, Internal flows, Prandtl boundary layer equations
XE-C (Material Sciences Syllabus)Processing of Materials, Characterization Techniques, Structure and Imperfections, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Properties of Materials, Material types, Environmental Degradation, Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Mathematics
XE-E (Thermodynamics Syllabus)Basic Concepts, Law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics Cycle, Thermodynamics Relations, Ideal Gas Mixtures
XE-F (Polymer Science and Engineering Syllabus)Chemistry of high polymers, Polymer Characterization, Synthesis and properties, Polymer blends and composites, Polymer Technology, Polymer rheology, Polymer processing, Polymer testing
XE-G (Food Technology Syllabus)Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Products Technology, Food Engineering
XL-P (Chemistry Syllabus)Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Structure and Bonding, s, p and d Block Elements, Chemical Equilibria, Electrochemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Structure-Reactivity Correlations and Organic Reaction Mechanisms
XL-R (Botany Syllabus)Plant Systematics, Plant Anatomy, Morphogenesis & Development, Physiology and Biochemistry, Genetics, Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification, Economic Botany, Plant Pathology, Ecology and Environment
XL-S (Microbiology Syllabus)Historical Perspective, Methods in Microbiology, Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Structure and Function, Microbial Growth, Control of Micro-organisms, Microbial Metabolism, Microbial Diseases and Host-Pathogen Interaction, Chemotherapy/Antibiotics, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Ecology
XL-T (Zoology Syllabus)Animal world, Genetics, Evolution, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Gene expression in Eukaryotes, Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Parasitology and Immunology, Development Biology, Ecology, Animal Behavior
XH-B1 (Reasoning and Comprehension) (New)Reading Comprehension, Expression, Analytical reasoning, Logical reasoning
XH-C1 (Economics) (New)Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Public Economics, Development Economics, Indian Economy
XH-C3 (Linguistics) (New)Areal Typology, Universals, Cross-linguistic Features, Language and Linguistics, Levels of Grammar and Grammatical Analysis, Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Methods of analysis, Applied Linguistics
XH-C4 (Philosophy) (New)Classical Indian Philosophy, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Classical and Modern Western Philosophy, Contemporary Western Philosophy

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Registration and Late Fees:

  • The registration date for GATE 2024 has been extended from September 29 to October 13, 2023.
  • Late fees will be applicable during the extended period from September 30 to October 13, 2023.

GATE Exam Dates:

  • GATE 2024 entrance exams will be conducted on two weekends: 3-4 February 2024 and 10-11 February 2024.

Organizing Institute:

  • IISc Bengaluru is the organizing institute for GATE 2024, ensuring smooth execution of the examination.

Exam Structure:

  • GATE 2024 will comprise a total of 30 test papers, including both full papers and sectional papers.
  • Candidates have the flexibility to choose one or two test papers from the allowed two-paper combinations.
  • The scores obtained will remain valid for three years from the date of result announcement.

GATE Eligibility

  • GATE assesses candidates for their comprehensive understanding of various subjects and disciplines.
  • Qualifying GATE opens doors to Masters and direct Doctoral programs in Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Science, and Humanities in institutions supported by MoE and other government agencies.
  • Students can utilize their GATE scores to seek admission to postgraduate programs even without MoE scholarships.
  • Many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) use GATE scores as a criterion for recruitment.

Result Announcement:

  • The results of GATE 2024 are scheduled to be announced on March 16, 2024.

For more detailed information and updates regarding GATE 2024, candidates are encouraged to visit the official website at

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